Have you ever known the “truth”; but have been unwilling to accept it? If you are anything like me, the answer to this question has to be, “yes”. Okay, let me get to the point, Mondays at 6:30 pm EST/ 5:30pm CST Nikki (Yes the Curly Nikki herself) is showing us THE way to Oneness through mediation and love. I have had the pleasure of sitting in on some of her sessions which take place via her
Zoom group and it is everything that is needed in this tumultuous dream we are currently living through, affectionately referred to as “2020”.
Continue!>>>Last Monday, Nikki added a book club portion to the meditation group and the book was written by someone I hold very near and dear to my heart. His name is Joel Goldsmith and the book is named
“The Infinite Way”. I was introduced to him by Nikki a few years ago and I have been hooked on him ever since. For some reason (one I have not been able to put my finger on yet) he resonates with me in a deep way. His expansion of the “Word” revolutionized my life forever. He hasn’t walked this earthly plane for a very long time, I think over 50 years; but, I listen to his recordings on Youtube often. For me, it is as if I am sitting in one of his sessions at the current time- this present age. Everyone in my close personal life knows I love him. My family “knows” him because I would listen to his recordings loudly as I got ready in the early morning back when I had to actually go into work. Covid has us home now. LOL.
In Monday’s
“Only Love Resides Here” session, Nikki went through the first chapter of “The Infinite Way” and these are two of the many nuggets I would like to share with you:
I’ll keep it short I promise:
“In the Beginning was the WORD”...The “Infinite Way” opens up with the above phrase that is a part of the scripture verse taken from John 1 verse 1 KJV. Joel asked the question in this chapter 1 “ Are we seeking,
“the things of the Spirit of God for some human purpose, or are we really endeavoring to “put off” the mortal in order that we may behold the harmony of the spiritual realm”? Whew. Joel knows how to stop you in your tracks abruptly. Nikki, explained that “the Word is Spirit and only Spirit exists.” We need to use this as an application to the appearances that are sometimes presented to us in the world and turn away. Nikki said,
“Turn from appearances and only see God’s presence”. This is not an easy concept to grasp at first; but with practice you will notice the change over time. I can say this confidently.
“God is here; Love is all that is here...”The ultimate purpose of the Infinite Way Practice is to stay in recognition of our Oneness with God. This can be done by “feeling” our way into its presence. Love is always here. Nikki said
“Alignment = staying aware of Love always.” Joel Goldsmith on page 21,
“In cultivating our spiritual sense we become receptive to thoughts which come to us from within. We become hearers of the Word rather than speakers. We become so attuned to Spirit that we feel the divine harmony of being; we feel the actual presence of God”. God IS Love. There is nothing to go back and forth about where that is concerned. When we begin to feel for God we are in a sense feeling for Love. The two are intertwined with each other.
If you can please, join in with her on Monday evenings. You will not regret it. I know I don’t.
“Love is...”
Akilah Peynado is an Intuitive Guide who runs Slaytheclutter where she discusses all things about the practice of Intentional Gratitude, healing through the contemplation of God and living a clutter free life- with love. You can find her on IG: @akilahpeynado and on her website www.akilahpeynado.com
* This article was originally published here
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